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Purpose of This Train

On January 1, 2017, this effort started moving forward empowered by our faith and the power of our Almighty Father God! This effort will continue until the Day of the Lord! This has been decreed and declared in Jesus Christ's Holy Name in the the earth and spirit realms! We are of different races, different walks of life, and experiences but within the same Body of Christ! We are of the Remnant that's gathered on one accord to please the Almighty Father and to help one another through maintaining clean hands and pure hearts maximizing our fasting and praying! The Holy Spirit is guiding the Remnant of Christ Kingdom (ROCK) Ministry, the Spirit of Christ Ministry, the Mercies of Hope International Ministries, the 365 Days of Praying and Fasting Ministry, and other ministries and Believers in this effort.

We are consistently praying and fasting allowing the Holy Spirit to prepare us for Kingdom assignments. Also, Kingdom citizens around the earth are touching and agreeing in praying and fasting on one accord when Holy Ghost led to do so. The focus is praying and fasting for the United States of America, Africa, Europe, and other countries for God's presence and healing within those lands. Our countries need the Great Physician to heal them ASAP.  Let's continue to touch our lands and mark them with righteousness in the Name of Christ Jesus. 

As for the normal praying and fasting effort, it will continue for 365 days straight every year as Believers have agreed to a lifelong commitment to this supernatural chain of praying and fasting. We are committing to this effort to glorify the Almighty Father and Christ Jesus; for the Almighty Father's presence to be in our praying and fasting goals; for all Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; for fellow Believers in Christ Jesus outside of the United States who's family members and friends were killed for being Believers in Christ Jesus; for those Believers that are jailed for believing in Christ Jesus; for those that can't openly follow Christ Jesus; for all peoples within the United States to come together so that we can remain the greatest nation; for Believers outside the United States to come together with us too; for Believers in Uganda to come together to be stronger in faith; for all Believers in Christ Jesus in other countries to receive more favor, healing and blessings while getting closer to the Almighty Father; for all Believers to lean more on the Holy Spirit; and for non-Believers to come to Christ too!

Lastly, we are praying and fasting for the Believers within this effort to receive more favor, more blessings, financial increases, healing, protection, promotions, new houses, strongholds and generational curses to be broken, new jobs, for the blind to see, for captives in spiritual prisons to be freed, overcoming of addictions, removal of people away from us that are preventing us from receiving more favor, and for family and personal relationships to be healed. We are praying and fasting for all these things in Christ Jesus precious Holy Name that's above all names. Amen

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people."

1 Timothy 2:1

Fasting is a commitment of abstaining from food and or drinks for a period of time. The commitment could be for hours, a day or days, weeks or more. There are different types of fasting other than abstaining from food and drinks. Certain individuals complete other types of fasting such as abstaining from television, music, video games, social media, and from other things they desire. Some also commit to fasting for health reasons but it is mostly completed for spiritual purposes. 

  • Health

Abstaining from particular foods for a period of time can help with matters such as weight loss, fertility treatments, fighting diseases and illnesses, and other medical benefits. Due to medical reasons, everyone can’t commit to fasting. This is why it is highly recommended to seek medical advice prior to participating in any type of fasting.

  • Spiritual

For spiritual growth and supernatural assistance, Believers in the Almighty Father and Christ Jesus will abstain from food, drinks, sex and anything the flesh desires for a period of time. We also have to abstain from television, radio, internet and other distractions that could steer us off the purpose and effectiveness of spiritual fasting. The objective is to afflict the soul by denying the flesh. Then we feed our souls through reading the Word, praying to the Almighty Father, and meditating in the Spirit while simultaneously glorifying Him. When we feed our souls in this manner we strengthen our spirits.


Reference the substance that we consume during spiritual fasting, Believers mostly commit to a partial or complete fast for a specific time period of time.


  • Partial fasting is abstaining from food but consuming liquids; or abstaining from particular foods; or only eating vegetables. 

  • Complete or dry fasting is abstaining from all food and liquids. This type of fasting lasts mostly for shorter periods of time and should only be completed by seasoned Believers with no medical issues.

There are many ways people go about their day during fasting and here are some steps to consider on your day or days of fasting and praying:

  1. Set your fasting time frame which could be from sunrise to sunset, all day, or specific hours of the day. Prior to fasting, set specific prayer times but pray throughout the day when possible.

  2. Wake in the morning: Go into praying in the Name that above all names. First repent, forgive, rid your heart and mind of anything negative toward others.  Ask the Almighty Father to give you mercy and grace then ask Him to cleanse your mind, body, and soul of anything not pleasing to Him. "Pause" Say the Lord's Prayer! Then give Him all the praise and glory! Give Him thanks for everything! Ask Him if there's anything you can do for Him. "Pause" Ask Him to destroy anything that's been spoken against you and your family. Ask Him to bless those that strive with you and to deal with those that strive against you. Then tell Him what you are fasting for including what's on the Purpose Page of this website. At the end of your praying, ask Him to have His Way.

  3. Study the Word of God especially when you are hungry.

  4. Be strong and of good courage because the enemy might attack you while you're fasting.

  5. Pray for others.

  6. Encourage others and talk about the Almighty Father, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

  7. If you are not working on your fasting day please consider meditation too. Work on projects for the Lord our God as He will help you perfect those projects.

  8. If you have to go to work on your fasting day please consider not doing a full fast! 

  9. Stay aware of your health at all times during fasting!!! Consider seeking medical advice before you fast.

  10. Enjoy the effort and it will be most effective. 

  11. Have faith in what you are fasting for.

  12. End your day of fasting in prayer.


Fasting in the Bible









Within the Bible, there are numerous examples of fasting. One of the most important examples is mentioned in Leviticus 16:29 & 23:27 but the word “fasting” is not utilized instead “afflict your souls” is utilized to highlight the effort. Afflicting our souls is exactly what should be happening during fasting. This is supported in the Book of Isaiah 58:3:

 “Why have we fasted, they say, and You have not seen? Why have we afflicted our souls, and You take no notice? Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labors.”

When your body desires food and liquids you normally provide the body its' desires. Simultaneously, you are satisfying your soul too but when your deny your body what it desires then we irritate our souls too. Denying our souls in this manner is similar to denying spoiled children something they love. This is the meaning of afflicting our souls. So, if you haven't afflicted your soul in your fasting then you haven't been as effective as you planned out to be. 

After we afflict our souls, we humble ourselves then commence to feeding our souls the Word of God and praying to Him. This is similar to a meal replacement but it is for your soul. The transition from desiring food and liquids to desiring God spiritual food forms the key. This key unlocks the doorway to the Almighty Father's Power! Tapping into His Power and unlocking all types of blessings is the goal. At this point, remember to ask in faith and believe like never before that your requests will be fulfilled. Some people claim to fill the power of God flowing through their bodies when they reach this point. This is also the best times to lay hands on Believers for healing. This is also why Christ mentioned fasting and praying being powerful in the last verse on this page! 

Power of Fasting

Although we complete normal prayers to the Almighty Father, sometimes He wants us to do more to show Him that we are sincere in what we are asking for as listed below.

"Even now, declares the Lord, "return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." Joel 2:12

Fasting releases God's supernatural power. It is a tool we can use when there is opposition to God's will. Satan would like nothing better than to cause division, discouragement, defeat, depression, and doubt among us. United prayer and fasting has always been used by God to deal a decisive blow to the enemy! (Pastor Rick Warren)

"So we fasted and prayed about these concerns. And he listened." Ezra 8:23

"God says, "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?" Isaiah 58:6

Please read all of Isaiah 58 for greater enlightenment on fasting too.


Moses fasted before he received the Ten Commandments as mentioned  below.

"Moses was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant--the Ten Commandments." Exodus 34:28

Although there are many more examples of fasting in the Bible, the most important person to complete a fast was Christ Jesus as mentioned below.

“And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.” Matthew 4:2


Christ showed us the power of fasting and praying because after He completed that fast He went forward with His ministry, completing miracles, healing people and defeating the Enemy. He will do this for us too if we humble ourselves, fast and give it all to Him.

Christ also showed us how powerful fasting can be when a group of people came to Him for help. They told Him that His disciples couldn’t cast a demon out so Christ proceeded to cast the demon out then He told His disciples why they couldn’t do it.

“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:20-21

That is the verse that we can lean on as the cornerstone of why we must complete fasting and praying. There is another verse that helps to drive home the power of fasting but it doesn't mention fasting but it does mention the flesh and things in the spirit realm. 

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."  Ephesians 6:12

The flesh is an obstacle that many can't overcome because their minds are conditioned to it. Having a renewed mind leads a Believer to having the mind of Christ. This type of mindset helps Believers understand the significance of denying the flesh while feeding the soul during special praying efforts. It is best that Believers put on the full armor of God to be victorious in spiritual warfare than to lose in spiritual warfare because a Believer tried to stand in the spiritual gap with a full stomach. 

We are to be Christ-like thus fasting and praying as He did, winning all of His spiritual battles while tapping in the magnificent power of His Father. 


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